Arcadia Monuments company specializes in creating high-quality granite memorials. In 2021, we are launching a new service – an online memorial by Arcadia Monuments. 

Let’s find out what an online memorial is, what its advantages are, and how this technology works with QR-codes. 

What is an online memorial? 

An online memorial is a virtual memorial page for a departed person which contains information about various events from their life, photos, videos and other material.

It’s hard to imagine modern life without using the Internet and modern information technology. We read the news, order food and clothes, book hotels etc. online. So it is very important not only to keep up with the times but also to take advantage of the opportunities that modern technology offers us. An online memorial is one of such opportunities.

Why online memorials are so important today

First, the memory of a loved one will always be with you. It is enough to open your smartphone, tablet or laptop and in a few moments the most important moments, photos or videos will come to life not only in your memory but also just before your eyes. 

Second, the possibility of acquainting your children, grandchildren with the departed representatives of the family, the clan. While viewing videos (if available), photos, etc. your children will have a more conscious attitude towards a person from their family who is no longer there.

Third, in today’s realities it is a much more convenient, visually appealing and functional way of storing information about a person who has passed away.

QR-codes for online memorials

Using QR-codes with traditional memorials is a symbiosis of the already established traditions and the latest technology. A small plaque or engraving with a QR-code is placed on the memorial, and any user of a smartphone will be able to plunge into the memories or to get acquainted with the life history of the departed. It is a kind of viewing a person’s profile in the social network.

 For the last decade, the appliance of QR codes for monuments has been rather successfully and widely applied around the world. In 2012, Fox 47 News channel broadcasted a short piece about this technology.

Today, the use of QR-codes on the monuments is not a luxury or a fashion statement, but a great opportunity to immortalize the memory of a loved one and have 24/7 access to it. And this has become possible thanks to modern information technology.   

 Applying QR-codes on the monuments, family vaults or urns for the ashes do not break the centuries-old tradition of commemoration of the departed as, in fact, it doesn’t differ from usual images on the monuments. Such a small and inconspicuous detail on a memorial enhances the ability of relatives and friends of the departed to tell their children, grandchildren and other people about those who passed away. 


Online memorial by Arcadia Monuments

At the present time, Arcadia Monuments is now ready to offer its customers not only qualitative memorials but also a complete online memorial service:  

  • 24/7 access to the online memorial via browser or QR-code;
  • confidentiality and content control;
  • we will help you to choose the most important information (photo, video, text etc.) for your online memorial;
  • our specialists will help you to design the right content for the online memorial (choose the right words and give shape to your thoughts and memories).

You will end up with a worthy legacy for future generations and a guarantee of warm, vivid, and visualized memories of the departed person.